Monday 14 February 2011

my strange shitty dreams

one day i had a slight stomach ache, but it was already pretty late into the night and i was snug in bed, so i didnt bother going to the toilet. later that night i had a bothersome dream.. i needed to poo but i could not find a toilet.. when i did find a toilet it was either extremely dirty, under maintenance, or out of tissues. i think this is my body subconsciously telling me not to shit, cause if i did i dont think i'd be very happy when i would wake up.

conversely though, when i need to pee during sleep i go nonstop. not only that but the urge to pee never fades. id pee, then leave the bathroom, then need to pee again, and it would cycle until i eventually woke up. fortunately when i do wake up im not soaked in piss.

another recurring attribute in my dreams is that i cant seem to run properly. whenever i make an attempt to run i start out in an amazing sprint, then almost immediately my legs become heavy and i have to drag myself along.. its extremely irritating since most of the time im running its for good reason, and not being able to run when required really sucks.

the most interesting arousal iv had is when im in the middle of an action. for instance, once i dreamt i was falling, mid fall i woke up and bounced off my bed. another time i was playing basketball in my dream. i was in the middle of reaching out to intercept a pass and i woke up and shot my arm out. lol

to finish off heres some interesting rumors/facts (i dunno) about dreams: apparently light switches dont work in your dreams. also, everytime you look at a clock it shows a different time. these signs let you know when you are in a dream. if you know youre in a dream then you essentially have control over what you can do. i'll bet it would make for one hell of a dream.