Wednesday 12 October 2011

arrival at shanghai

this is my second time traveling to shanghai, but this time will be very different from my first trip here. this time im here for the long haul looking for a job.

while i was floating around in hk i was pretty sure i wanted to get back into an ad agency, but i was unsure which department i wanted to goto, or what kind of work id be interested in, though i had a general idea. my uncle (gm of Integer in shanghai) has been kind enough to let me shadow him around the office here in shanghai. with the new insight iv gained from seeing things in his perspective, i think i now have a better idea of what it is exactly people do here and what it is i want to do. more on this, maybe for another day.

in other news, iv met a lot of new people here, one in particular, James Jen, president of TipCat. we had a chat concerning the games industry in shanghai, how it differs from the rest of the world, and how development varies largely between genres and platforms. i'll save this for another blog too, perhaps tomorrow.

from now on i'll make an effort to post serious blogs with real opinions on stuff that actually matters, at least to some people. it will inevitably still contain a bullshit blog here and there, but at least now there will be something worth reading amongst all the crap. also might have to renovate the look.. plain and simple is easy and relaxing sure, but its getting boring to look at.. so, look forward to my revamped blog, coming soon!